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3 Most Common Types of Granite Composite Kitchen Sink

granite composite sink

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Some people argue that the sink is the most important part of the kitchen space. This is because it is the center of kitchen activity. You do not want to make a mistake when choosing this piece of kitchenware.

There are many granite composite sink styles and types available for selection. This is because there are several manufacturers and designs in the market.

There are different motivations and reasons why people choose a particular sink style. For some people, it is all about the sink’s appearance.

They want to know if it is a drop-in sink, under-mount, or apron sink. Some people consider the sink durability as the deciding factor. They tend to choose between the sink with the highest quartz ratio to acrylic available in the market.

The last set of people are practical ones. Their decision rests on how many basins the sink has. They want to know if the sink has one, two, or three washbowls.

Granite composite sinks are the current trend in kitchen sinks. The manufacturers of these sinks consider the diverse choices of consumers. Based on installation and appearance, there are three styles of granite composite sink. These designs are;

  • Drop-In Kitchen Sink
  • Under-Mount Sink
  • Apron or Farm-house sink

These three styles describe how well the sink blends with the countertop. They also explain how well it blends with the kitchen environment. For you to discover the style that best suits you, let us examine these styles in detail.

Drop-In Style

Drop-In, also called Inset Sinks or Top Mount Sinks, is a popular sink installation style. Installing this sink is easy. You can do it without any professional help.

The unique feature of this sink is the way its edges curves outwards to form a rim. This rim then sits on the counter on the installation of the sink.

A kitchen sink with a drain-board is a popular form of the drop-In kitchen sink. This drainboard kitchen sink is popular in Europe, the Middle East, Australia, and Asia. 

The drainboard sink is both aesthetic and functional. It eliminates the need to buy a drainboard. Buying a kitchen sink without a drainboard might be cheaper.

But the mess created by wash water on the counter trumps the price of drainboard sinks. The challenge is the accumulation of water on the sink.

This adds to your kitchen workload. It would be best to buy a drainboard sink to cut the challenges associated with a sink without one.

A drainboard sink is one with an in-built drain-board. There are a variety of designs available for this style of a kitchen sink. Thus, drop-In single basins, double basin, and triple basin sinks.

There are merits to buying a drain-sink. Chief among them is the fact that having this kind of sink saves counter space. It removes the need for a free-standing drain-board that you would place on the counter space. The drainboard of the sink channels water from washed dishes into the sink.

You could place a cutting board over the drain-board area of the sink to increase space. After chopping vegetables and other food items on the board, you can scrape waste into the sink.

Drain-board granite composite sinks tolerate heat. So, you could set hot pans on the drain-board as well as drain pasta.

Drain-board sinks come with ridges or grooves. This feature is what differentiates a drainboard sink from other sinks. Cleaning these ridges could present a challenge because dirt tends to accumulate at the base of these ridges. Also, you need a brush to clean them.

Installing a Drop-In Drainboard Sink

A Drop-In sink is one of the easiest sinks to install. You could do it yourself without the aid of professional help. Follow the below steps to install a drop-in sink.

  • Measure the dimension of the sink from the part of the sink below the folded rim. You measure this way because the edge would sit on the countertop. The measurement includes its length and width.
  • Record the dimension
  • Using the measured dimension, cut a hole into the countertop where the sink would sit.
  • Lower the sink into the hole from above, ensuring the rims sit on all sides of the countertop
  • To ensure a water-tight structure, caulk around the rim
  • Attach the necessary plumbing accessories.

Under-mount Style

This style of sink is almost as popular as the drop-in sink. There are many reasons for this sink’s rise in popularity.

Top on the list is that it gives a seamless appearance to the countertop area. This is because the sink hangs under the counter. They attach to the undersides of countertops.

The sink attaches to the countertop with clips and caulk. It stays in place and blends with the kitchen décor, and It’s a very functional sink. It makes the countertop easy to clean. With this sink, you can wipe off dirt and debris from the countertop into the sink.

Why, because there are no rims to catch the dirt and debris. This style is best suited for solid surface countertops. This is due to other countertops might not be able to support the weight of this sink.

Installing Under-mount granite composite sinks is a professional job. It is not as easy as installing a drop-in sink. If you have not fixed a countertop, flip the countertop, and affix the sink face down. If a countertop is in place already, you have to lift the sink from under the cabinet to attach it.

Follow these steps to mount your under-mount sink

1. Cut the countertop

Replacing an existing sink with an under-mount sink? Measure the dimension of the old sink and countertop hole. If you are working with a new countertop, cut a new opening. It would help if you considered these factors when making the opening;

The location of the water supply lines in the kitchen:

You should place the new hole close to the kitchen water supply lines. This reduces the cost of connecting water to the taps.

Size of the new sink:

The size of the new sink would determine the size of the hole you make on the countertop.

Choose a rim-reveal style for your sink:

This gives you the freedom to choose how much of the sink’s rim remains seen after installation. There are three reveal styles for installing an under-mount sink;

  • Positive Reveal

Here part of the sink’s rim remains visible after installation. Like the conventional drop-in sink, this rim gets dirty after use.

  • Negative Reveal

In this style, there is an overhanging countertop. Negative reveal hides the sink’s rim under the countertop. The downside of this style of sink is dirt tends to accumulate under the countertop.

  • Zero Reveal

Most people prefer this style of an under-mount sink. The sink and countertop are on the same line. But this creates a seamless flow from the countertop to the sink.

  • To measure the size of the countertop opening, flip the sink. Place the sink in the position where you want the opening to be. Outline the sink on the countertop.
  • Measure the width of the rim. The width is the distance from the edge of the rim to the point before the sink slopes. The average width of an under-mount sink is 0.95cm.
  • Make a second outline inward a distance of 0.95cm or the width of your sink rim.
  • Wipe off the initial outline to ensure you do not make mistakes when cutting.
  • Cut the countertop with the right saw for the material. For a quartz countertop, which is advisable, use a circular saw with a diamond-coated blade. Ensure you maintain the outline you drew out when cutting.
  • Drill holes into the countertop for faucets and other accessories you would need.
  • Clear the countertop of debris and wipe using denatured alcohol.

2. Place the under-mount sink underneath the countertop

Here is the tricky part of installing an under-mount sink.

 Follow these steps;

  • You have to lift and hold the sink in place to attach it.
  • Use boards or other sturdy objects to support the sink’s weight.
  • Stack boards under the sink until it is right underneath the countertop.
  • When the sink gets to the desired position, glue it in place using caulk.
  • Ensure the sink’s position is right before applying caulk.

It is important to note that under-mount sinks get heavy when filled with water. While we have listed the steps that would aid you in installation, it is best to leave its professionals.

3. Apply caulk on the holes drilled for attaching sink accessories. Place the accessories on the holes ensuring they are firm

4. Using denatured alcohol and rag, wipe off the excess caulk to ensure a neat job.

Apron style or Farmhouse style

Granite composite sinks also come in the Apron style or Farmhouse style. Unlike other types with a hidden sink front, the front of this sink juts out from the cabinet. Most Apron style sinks use the under-mount kind, while some use the drop-in style.

Apron-style granite composite sinks are heavier than other types of sinks. This is a testament to the amount of material used for its construction.

The method for installing this sink is dependent on the style adopted. Whether drop-in or under-mount style. Ensure your cabinet’s design would accommodate the front of this Apron style sink.

Other ways of classifying sinks

We also classify sinks based on the configuration of the bowl. Under this classification, there are two types of bowls;

Single bowl and Double bowl

Single Bowl Sinks A single bowl sink is a sink with one bowl. With this sink, you get more countertop and kitchen space. Keeping your kitchen simple. These sinks are ideal for washing large pots and plates.

Double Bowl Sinks These sinks have double bowls. They are more functional than single bowl sinks. There are three types of double bowl sinks depending on the size of both bowls;

  • Offset Bowl Sinks

This sink features two unequal bowls. The right bowl is bigger than the left. However, offset bowls are ideal for washing and rinsing.

  • Double-equal sinks

Here both sinks have the same dimension. They offer a bigger workspace.

  • Half divide sinks

This sink features a divide that is half the size of those found in conventional double sinks. This sink offers the openness seen in single bowl sinks. With its half ridge, transferring large pans and pots from bowl to bowl becomes easier.


Still, thinking of the kind of sink that would best suit your kitchen décor? Granite composite sinks offer you more as regards aesthetics, functionality, and durability.

They come in different styles and types, meeting your sink needs. Granite composite sinks blend with the kitchen décor, making the whole kitchen appear as a unit.



3 thoughts on “3 Most Common Types of Granite Composite Kitchen Sink”

  1. de rang adalah org yg lain.. try r komen, pastu jgn letak email.. mesti kuar avatar kelabu tu.. semua org dh tahu.. ko x th lagi ke?Well-loved. Roz Boycie Mariken

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