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Granite, Acrylic, Ceramic, or Glass sink: Which One Should I Choose?

Workstation Sink

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There is no denying the importance of having a proper sink in every kitchen. With its help, we can perform the necessary activities while preparing a meal, washing dishes, or just enjoying the view of our attractive kitchen. All this makes it very important what material the sink is made of.
Monotonous iron products have long been forgotten. Once the main feature of sinks was their functionality, hardly anyone was concerned about their appearance and whether they match the interior design. But our awareness is currently changing. We thought that every kitchen element should be part of a coherent whole, including the sink.

Kitchen sinks: which one to choose?

Of course, the market is so saturated that there are many possible solutions. First, we should decide what exactly we are interested in the design of the sink. In this regard, we can mention:

Single-bowl sink

This is the most basic solution, intended mainly for singles and people who wash regularly or use a dishwasher. Due to its small size, it is also suitable for a small kitchen. Let’s remember that too much does not fit in a large kitchen.

One-and-a-half-basin sink

Besides the main compartment, there is an additional small compartment, which, however, also has a drain. It slightly extends our capabilities and allows you to wash, for example, cutlery separately.

Double bowl sinks

Double bowl sinks are the primary solution for large kitchens and families. When choosing this type of sink, remember to pay attention to the size of each bowl. They are not always the same size.

Triple bowl sinks

By far, the largest products. In addition to the two main bowls, they have an additional one distinguished by its small size. It is worth choosing products equipped with three outlets. This will make it easier for us to use.
A good sink should also have a drainer in which we can put wet dishes. Because of their location, we distinguish left and suitable sinks and reversible sinks, which can be mounted either way. A separate category is the corner sink: we install it in a right corner cabinet but remember that it usually has a slightly smaller size than standard products.
On the other hand, when it comes to assembly, there are built-in sinks on the market, which can be found in the cabinet countertop, as well as in the overlap: we can mount them in any cabinet. The tightness of such a construction is a little smaller, but the ease of installation compensates for everything. It should also be mentioned suspended sinks, installed in the countertop from the bottom side.

What is the sutiable bowl depth?

What will sink depth be the most suitable? This, of course, depends on the intensity of our washing. The standard bowl depth is about 14 centimeters. However, this will prove to be insufficient in many cases, so you should think about deep sinks of 16, 18, and even 20 centimeters.
An important issue is the thickness of the sink that will allow us to use this vital device for a long time. Contrary to appearances, this is not an insignificant parameter. If we decide to choose a too thin sink, we can be sure that it will suffer very rapid chugging or significant structural damage (including due to heavy dishes and pots). Therefore, if you want to buy a solid product, aim for sinks with a thickness of about 0.8 mm.

What material should we choose?

In addition to the design and construction of the sink, the most important thing is the created materials. This is important not only for layout reasons but also for the strength and solidity of the individual solutions. The pros and cons of the materials are different, so it is worth taking a closer look at them.

Ceramic Sink

They are considered the most solid in popular opinion, so they are recommended mainly for people for whom dishwashing is even common. The durability of this material also means that manufacturers impose the longest warranties on ceramic sinks.
Their solidity distinguishes ceramics due to their reasonably large density; it is also important to burn them at a temperature above one thousand degrees Celsius. All this translates into the fact that this type of sinks is resistant to scratches, bruises, and mechanical distortions caused by heavy kitchen equipment products. It is also worth mentioning that ceramic products “cooperate” with any temperature. They are also relatively easy to maintain. Of course, do not forget about the appearance pleasing to the eye. What are the disadvantages of ceramic sinks? It should be noted the high price, which often exceeds the other solutions several times.

Granite Sink

They withstand temperatures up to 280 degrees Celsius. They are also resistant to all kinds of mechanical damage. However, their most significant advantage is their beautiful appearance. On the market, you can find both sinks in light and slightly muted aesthetics and numerous decorations. As a result, granite sinks are recommended for kitchens with a modern style; they will certainly delight our guests with their elegance.
Unfortunately, you have to pay for beauty. That’s why granite sinks are relatively expensive. It should also be remembered about their regular care. Granite deposits on granite quite easily, so we need to clean it frequently. The important information is also that granite is a very heavy material. When installing the granite sink, it must be properly reinforced.

Acrylic Sink

acrylic sink

Our list also includes acrylic products, which are used very often, mainly due to their low price. We will buy this type of sink for 40 USD.
A non-porous surface also distinguishes acrylic, so various types of dirt are not deposited on it. However, if it is reinforced with fiberglass, it will withstand a reasonably long life. However, the most significant disadvantage of such products is that they are not resistant to very high temperatures, so you should consider buying them in this regard.

Steel Sink

stainless steel sink

In this case, we have to decide which steel will be the most suitable for us. Generally, there are two types of this type of sump on the market. The first one is made of stainless steel. Its biggest advantages are associated with resistance to mechanical damage and the impact of high temperatures, and relatively easy cleaning. Stainless steel sinks are also relatively inexpensive.
For some, however, the problem may be its raw appearance, which does not always fit into the kitchen interior. Scratches are evident on the steel, especially when you buy a smooth sink.
Another type of steel sink is chromium-nickel steel. Lower prices characterize them, but its resistance parameter still has many shortcomings. They are very susceptible to wear and various types of mechanical damage. It should be emphasized that they are not resistant to high temperatures and scratches. Due to its structure, chromium-nickel steel is difficult to maintain and can be destroyed due to chemical cleaning agents and tends to stain. All this makes stainless steel a much better choice.

Composite Sink

Its appearance is very similar to the stone, so it is chosen mainly for aesthetic reasons. It is made of resins and granite particles, so slightly lower durability distinguishes it from granite sinks, but it is much cheaper than them.
Special mention should be made of the effect of high temperature, which can affect the structure of composite sinks and the susceptibility to discoloration and intense matting.

Glass Sink

glass sink

This is another proposal for people who like attractive, highly aesthetic solutions. To install such a sink in your kitchen, we opted for tempered glass, which is much more resistant to high temperatures and various types of stains.
Because of their attractive appearance, they are mainly used in modern kitchens. However, we recognize that despite the additional reinforcements, the glass may break under the impact of a heavy pot. Therefore, we should use them with extreme caution.

Which company should we choose?

Since we already know what material will be the best for us, it is also worth considering for a moment what company producing sinks worth recommending. Undoubtedly, it is worth paying attention to companies such as Chica dragon.
Chica Dragon is a China-based company that entered the market in 2008 and has a branch in Hochi Minh City, Vietnam. They researched the science behind stainless steel sinks and granite composite sinks in great detail. Afterward, they applied this research to make a top-quality kitchen sink.
The Quality offered by Chica Dragon is unmatched. They only provide superior quality products. Moreover, they also offer OEM service and a complete supply chain.
Another great thing about the company is how they treat their customers. The company has a lot of brand loyalists as well because of the Quality it offers.
Furthermore, the company’s reviews are also great. They accommodate their customers exceptionally well and always deliver on their promise.


    Artemis Kuang

    Artemis Kuang

    I am a product specialist in granite composite sinks (quartz sinks) at I have been in this industry for over 8 years.

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